[Solved] Visual Studio 2022 Hot Reload Not Working Xamarin Forms Xaml
I used a Visual Studio 2022 17.2.3 without any errors.
When I get new version Visual Studio 17.3.1
"Hot Reload"  stopped working to existing Xamarin Forms projects.
Output Message: Could not start Xamarin.Forms Hot Reload session

Firstly this is Microsoft side error.
But i found the solution.

You should be add "<PackageReference Include="Xamarin.Forms" Version="" />" to existing App .csproj files.
Note: "Version No", Which version are you using.

My project name: TestApp
My Android project name: TestApp.Droid and csproj ile TestApp.Droid.csproj
My iOS project name: TestApp.iOS and csproj ile TestApp.iOS.csproj


I should be add Xamarin.Forms "Package Reference" to TestApp.Droid.csproj and TestApp.iOS.csproj
After that, Hot Reload in Xaml working correctly.

	<PackageReference Include="Xamarin.Forms" Version="Your version" />
	... and other references
Searching Keywords.
  1. xamarin Visual studio 2022 Hot reload not working github.com
  2. xamarin visual studio 2022 existing project hot reload not working
  3. visual studio 2022 xaml hot reload not work 
  4. visual studio 2022 Hot reload issue 
  5. visual Studio 2022 Hot Reload not working 


Author: Engin ATALAY
Date: 25.08.2022 09:37:53
View Count: 3558

Resim Yüklenemedi
Sreejith Krishnadas
19 Ekim 2023 11:52
Thanks for this post! It works :)
Resim Yüklenemedi
Neshat A.
7 Eylül 2023 11:13
It works. Thank you very much.
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