LLBLGEN IPredicate Multi Condition

LLBLGEN IPredicate Multi Condition

Sample : IPredicate ip = (( UserFields.UserId== id) | (UserFields.Name== 'Mark' ));

And Condition :  & 
OR Condition :  |

LLBLGEN de Ipredicate tipinde çoklu kosul kullaniminda kosul operatörü MSSQL deki gibi  &&  ||  seklinde çifter degilde tek karakter olarak yazilmaktadir.




Author: Engin ATALAY
Date: 4.09.2013 20:59:58
View Count: 3498

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This project : ASP.NET MVC , RAZOR, Entity Framework , CSS , HTML , JQUERY(2.0.2) , AJAX the C# side-tier architecture was developed with logic.
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